Dr.Benjamin Leibowitz affectionately known as the Coach's Coach is president of Sports Psychology & Counseling LLC. SPC is a human development organization specializing in the assessment of those qualities that lead an individual toward self-actualization. Ben's expertise lies in the area of tests and measurement and personality assessment. He has conducted numerous seminars and workshops dealing with athletic coaching assessment and effectiveness training, motivation, leadership development and communication skills.. 

Ben has served as player consultant  to several professional sports teams, notably the NY Giants, NY Rangers, Buffalo Bills, Kansas City Chiefs and Cleveland Browns. He was responsible for implementing career development programs for the professional athlete, preparing  them for transition from active competitive sports to the world of work. 
Dr. Leibowitz and his staff was instrumental in creating the S.T.A.R.* Power Training Program designed to show coaches "How to Get the MOST Out of Their Team's Performance." An integral part of that program was the creation of the Coaching Style Inventory, a self-diagnostic tool for coaches to assess their preferred coaching behaviors. 

Using his Coaching Style Inventory, Ben has administered this test to more than 150 top professional and collegiate sports coaches. He has recently been published in COACHAD .  Dr. Leibowitz is currently writing a book:Winning Professional Coaches, Their Style and Profile: An Anthology. 

Click here to read What Is Your Coaching Style by Mike Austin, Sr Editor of Coach and Athletic Director Magazine.
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